What is Bobby's number? It is between 15 and 25. If you subtract the tens digit from the ones digit, the difference is 8.


Which of these numbers fits the clue?

16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24

To find Bobby's number, we can use the given clues. Let's start by determining the possible values for the ones digit.

Given that Bobby's number is between 15 and 25, the ones digit can only be 5 or 6 because the minimum value is 15 and the maximum value is 25.

Let's consider each possibility and see if it satisfies the second clue. Subtracting the tens digit (which can be 1 or 2) from the ones digit should equal 8.

- If the ones digit is 5, and we subtract 1 (the possible tens digit), the difference is equal to 5 - 1 = 4, which is not 8.
- If the ones digit is 6, and we subtract 1 (the possible tens digit), the difference is equal to 6 - 1 = 5, which is also not 8.

Since neither of these possibilities satisfies the second clue, there isn't a valid solution that fits both clues. It seems like there might be an error or missing information in the given problem.