With regard to temperatures, what do Phoenix, AZ and Tulsa, OK have in common?

Please check the climate graph in your text.

What do you mean?

Check these climate graphs to see the similarities.



Thank you so much Ms. Sue.

You're very welcome.

To find out what Phoenix, AZ and Tulsa, OK have in common regarding temperatures, you can follow these steps:

1. Search for the average temperatures in Phoenix, AZ: Start by searching for "average temperatures in Phoenix, AZ." You will find various websites or weather agencies that provide historical temperature data for the city.

2. Search for the average temperatures in Tulsa, OK: In a new search, enter "average temperatures in Tulsa, OK." Again, you will find websites or weather agencies that provide the historical temperature data for the city.

3. Compare the temperature data: Once you find the information for both cities, compare the average temperatures. Look for any similarities or patterns between the two.

It is important to note that the commonalities or differences in temperatures between Phoenix, AZ and Tulsa, OK may vary based on the specific timeframe or season being considered.