when kevin started his car in the parking lot, he also turned on the radio to his favorite station. as he enetered the street next to the campus, he turned the radio up due to the increased background noise in the car. entering the highway, he again increased the volume until he could hear the music clearly. driving into the driveway at home, he saw his mother watering her roses in the front yard. "Kevin! Turn down that radio. We are going to be deaf before you are twenty five!" she instructed as he open the car door. he had not noticed how very loud the radio was until she mentioned it. Kevin had experienced

a. absolute threshold constancy
b. weber's law
c. sensory adaption
d. sensory deprivation IS( C )CORRECT ANSWER THANK YOU :0

I agree.

The correct answer is c. sensory adaptation.

Sensory adaptation refers to the phenomenon where our sensory receptors become less responsive to constant or repetitive stimuli over time. In the given scenario, Kevin gradually increased the volume of the radio as he encountered different levels of background noise. His actions demonstrate sensory adaptation because he adjusted the volume to maintain the same level of perceived loudness despite the changing environment.

To arrive at this answer, it is important to understand the concepts related to perception and sensation. Sensory adaptation is the result of our sensory receptors adapting to constant stimuli, thus reducing our sensitivity to them. This adaptation allows us to focus on new or changing stimuli rather than being overwhelmed by constant sensory inputs.

Absolute threshold constancy (a) refers to the minimal level of stimulation needed for our sensory receptors to detect a stimulus. Weber's law (b) is a principle stating that the difference threshold, or the smallest noticeable difference between two stimuli, is proportionate to the magnitude of the stimuli. Sensory deprivation (d) refers to the absence or removal of normal levels of sensory stimulation, which is not applicable in this scenario.