I am doing the 4 humours for english home work and have to give examples of characters from tv, film or book that match the 4 humours so melancholy, phlegm, sanguine and choler.

To find examples of characters from TV, film, or books that match the four humors (melancholy, phlegm, sanguine, and choler), you can follow these steps:

1. Understand the Four Humors: The four humors are a theory from ancient Greek medicine that suggests different personality types are influenced by four bodily fluids or humors. Each humor is associated with particular traits:

- Melancholy: characterized by introversion, analytical thinking, and a tendency towards sadness or depression.
- Phlegm: characterized by calmness, stability, and a slower-paced disposition.
- Sanguine: characterized by extroversion, optimism, and high energy levels.
- Choler: characterized by aggressiveness, irritability, and a quick temper.

2. Think about Characters: Consider characters from TV, film, or books that exhibit the traits associated with each humor. You can think about their personality, behaviors, and overall demeanor.

- Melancholy Example: An example of a melancholic character could be Severus Snape from the Harry Potter series. Snape exhibits traits like introversion, analytical thinking, and a tendency towards sadness or brooding.

- Phlegm Example: A character like Frodo Baggins from The Lord of the Rings could embody the phlegmatic humor. Frodo is generally calm, balanced, and prefers a slower pace throughout his journey.

- Sanguine Example: For a sanguine character, Joey Tribbiani from the TV show Friends could be a suitable example. Joey is extroverted, optimistic, and always full of energy and enthusiasm.

- Choler Example: Finally, a character that exemplifies choleric traits is Tony Stark, aka Iron Man, from the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Tony Stark is characterized by his assertiveness, quick temper, and sometimes reckless behavior.

Remember, these are just examples, and many characters may display a mix of different humors. It's essential to analyze the character's overall traits and tendencies to determine which humor they align with most closely.