My research topic is

Banning Use of Cell Phones While Driving (include calls and texts)

Could you give me some ideas of research questions?
I have to have three.

I already have three but I am not sure if they are research questions.

will banning cellphones while driving going to benefit anyone?
How will the police control people from violateing this law?
What is the alternate to attending phone calls and texts when driving?

thank you.

What are the risks of using cell phones when driving?

Does a hands-free phone prevent accidents?

Your three research questions are a good starting point, but let's format them into proper research questions that can guide your investigation. Here are revised versions of your questions:

1. What are the potential benefits of implementing a ban on the use of cell phones while driving, including both calls and texts?
Explanation: To answer this question, you can conduct a literature review to explore the different studies and data available on the topic. Look for research that examines the impact of cell phone use while driving on accident rates, driver distraction, and overall road safety.

2. How do law enforcement agencies effectively enforce and control people from violating laws banning cell phone use while driving?
Explanation: To answer this question, you can consider conducting interviews or surveys with police officers, reviewing existing laws and enforcement practices, or analyzing accident data to understand how effective current measures are in controlling cell phone use while driving. Additionally, you can explore any strategies or technologies used by law enforcement to enforce such bans.

3. What alternatives are available for attending phone calls and texts while driving, and what are their potential benefits and drawbacks in terms of safety and convenience?
Explanation: To answer this question, you can explore different technologies or approaches that may provide alternatives to using cell phones while driving. This could include hands-free systems, voice assistants, or other communication devices. Consider reviewing relevant studies, conducting surveys or interviews with drivers, and examining any existing laws or regulations regarding permissible alternatives for communication while driving.

Remember, these questions are meant to guide your research and allow you to explore the topic in-depth. You may need to refine or adjust them as you go through the research process.