I urgently need you to revise this email. Thank you very much in advance.

1) My science colleague is willing to work on a project in English concerning ecology with some of her students in the years 10-11.
2) Though we haven't got a bilingual branch at the moment, she has taken already part in various science competitions in Italy where the lingua franca was English.
3) She is going to involve a group of twenty students who are high-achievers and are willing to devote sufficient time and energy to the project.
4) As your school has a bilingual branch and has already been involved in other Comenius projects, I think it could act as a coordinator of the Comenius project.
5) We, on the other hand (side), could paricipate in the project as partners. (as a partner).

2. ... she has already taken part ...

3. No hyphen needed.

4. "it"??? It'd be better to write this: ... I think you could act ...

5. ... on the other hand ... partners.

Subject: Request for Comenius Project Partnership

Dear [Recipient's Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to discuss a potential collaboration between our institutions for a Comenius project in the field of ecology.

Firstly, I would like to introduce my science colleague, [Colleague's Name], who is highly interested in working on this project with her students from years 10-11. Although we do not currently have a bilingual branch, [Colleague's Name] has already participated in several science competitions in Italy, where English was the lingua franca.

[Colleague's Name] plans to involve a group of twenty high-achieving students who are enthusiastic about dedicating sufficient time and energy to this project. Given your school's experience as a coordinator for other Comenius projects and its established bilingual branch, we believe your institution would be an excellent fit to act as the coordinator for this project.

Meanwhile, our school would be delighted to participate as partners in this endeavor. We would contribute our resources and efforts towards the successful implementation of the project.

We understand that time is of the essence and, therefore, kindly request your prompt response regarding your willingness to collaborate with us as the project coordinator. Furthermore, we would appreciate any guidance or assistance you can offer regarding the Comenius project application process.

Thank you very much in advance for your kind consideration. We look forward to the possibility of working together to create a fruitful and enriching learning experience for our students.

Yours sincerely,

[Your Name]
[Your Title/Position]
[Your School/Organization]