a. y= 4x b. y= 2x c. y= 1 half x

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I hope this helps. Thanks for asking.

To determine the value of y for each equation, you need to substitute a specific value for x. Let's take an example, say x = 3.

For equation a, y = 4x, substitute x = 3:
y = 4(3) = 12

For equation b, y = 2x, substitute x = 3:
y = 2(3) = 6

For equation c, y = 1/2x, substitute x = 3:
y = 1/2(3) = 1.5

So, for x = 3:
a. y = 12
b. y = 6
c. y = 1.5

You can calculate the value of y for any specific value of x by substituting it into the given equation and evaluating the expression.