I have to put these in the past tense-Are they correct?

1. Tú hablas por teléfono.

Tú habaste por teléfono.

2. Nosostros bailamos mucho los fines de semana.

This would be the same in past tense, I think??

3. Tú y yo cantamos los domingos.

This would also be the same, I think??

4. Él nada mucho en las piscina.

Él nadó mucho en la piscina

5. Ellos nadan mucho en la piscina.

Ellos nadaron.

6. Tú preparas la comida en casa.

Túpreparaste la comida en la casa.

7. Yo miro la televisión.

Yo miré la television.

8. Miro la televisión.

Miré la television.

9. Nosotros cantamos.

This is the same.

10. Ella estudia.

Ella estudió.

11. Yo bailé mucho ayer. Does this mean “I danced yesterday?“

12.How do I say His leg hurts?

Le duele la pierna.

13. How do I say My throat hurts. Me duele la garganta??

10. Is this the way I conjugate past tense of beber?

Yo bebí

Ellos bebieron

Nosotros bebimos

Tú bebiste.

My answer is the same as your later one, which I saw and answered first.

I did not mention that in #6, you need to separate Tú preparaste.

Also, the tú form in beber is bebiste


1. Tú hablaste por teléfono. (To put the verb "hablar" in the past tense, you replace the "-ar" ending with "-aste" for the second person singular.)

2. Nosotros bailamos mucho los fines de semana. (To put the verb "bailar" in the past tense, you replace the "-ar" ending with "-amos" for the first person plural.)

3. Tú y yo cantamos los domingos. (To put the verb "cantar" in the past tense, you replace the "-ar" ending with "-amos" for the first person plural.)

4. Él nadó mucho en la piscina. (To put the verb "nadar" in the past tense, you replace the "-ar" ending with "-ó" for the third person singular.)

5. Ellos nadaron mucho en la piscina. (To put the verb "nadar" in the past tense, you replace the "-ar" ending with "-aron" for the third person plural.)

6. Tú preparaste la comida en casa. (To put the verb "preparar" in the past tense, you replace the "-ar" ending with "-aste" for the second person singular.)

7. Yo miré la televisión. (To put the verb "mirar" in the past tense, you replace the "-ar" ending with "-é" for the first person singular.)

8. Miro la televisión. (To put the verb "mirar" in the past tense, you replace the "-ar" ending with "-é" for the first person singular.)

9. Nosotros cantamos. (The verb "cantar" remains the same in the present tense.)

10. Ella estudió. (To put the verb "estudiar" in the past tense, you replace the "-ar" ending with "-ó" for the third person singular.)

11. Yes, "Yo bailé mucho ayer" means "I danced yesterday." (To put the verb "bailar" in the past tense, you replace the "-ar" ending with "-é" for the first person singular.)

12. "Le duele la pierna" is correct for "His leg hurts." (The verb "doler" is used in a reflexive construction, so "le" is used as the indirect object pronoun to indicate that the leg hurts someone, without specifying a specific person.)

13. "Me duele la garganta" is correct for "My throat hurts." (The verb "doler" is used in a reflexive construction, so "me" is used as the reflexive pronoun to indicate that the throat hurts oneself.)

14. Yes, your conjugation of the verb "beber" in the past tense is correct:
- Yo bebí
- Ellos bebieron
- Nosotros bebimos
- Tú bebiste