my numerator is a prime number

My denominator is divisible by 2
i am equivalent to 1/5

The denominator must be divisible by both 2 and 5

so 1/5 = 2/10 = 4/20 = 6/30 = ...

clearly it must be 2/10 , where 2 is the only prime number. (2 is the only even prime number , all the other numerators are even)


Very bade

To find the fraction that meets these conditions, we need to consider prime numbers that are equivalent to 1/5 when the denominator is divisible by 2.

First, let's focus on the denominator. Since it needs to be divisible by 2, let's consider the multiples of 2: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, and so on. These numbers meet the requirement for the denominator.

Now, let's think about the numerator. It needs to be a prime number and should form a fraction equivalent to 1/5 when divided by the denominator.

Since the denominator is divisible by 2, the numerator should be an odd prime number. The first odd prime number is 3.

Let's check if 3/6 is equivalent to 1/5. One way to compare these fractions is by cross-multiplying:

Cross-multiplying 1/5 and 3/6:
1 * 6 = 5 * 3
6 = 15

Since 6 is not equal to 15, we need to continue searching for the right fraction.

The next odd prime number is 5. Let's check if 5/10 is equivalent to 1/5.

Cross-multiplying 1/5 and 5/10:
1 * 10 = 5 * 5
10 = 25

Since 10 is not equal to 25, we still haven't found the answer.

Next, the odd prime number 7. Let's check if 7/14 is equivalent to 1/5.

Cross-multiplying 1/5 and 7/14:
1 * 14 = 5 * 7
14 = 35

Again, 14 is not equal to 35, so we keep searching.

Finally, the odd prime number 9. Let's check if 9/18 is equivalent to 1/5.

Cross-multiplying 1/5 and 9/18:
1 * 18 = 5 * 9
18 = 45

Once more, 18 is not equal to 45.

Based on this process, we conclude that there is no fraction meeting all the given conditions.