I am new here; say to everyone first.

Here is the a question for coding list box;

it has two part: first part: Create a project that stores personal information for a little electronic "black book"; the fields in the file should include name, phone number, pager number, cell phone number, voice mail number, and Email Address. allow the user to enter the data into text boxes. (This part is very easy, The trouble maker is in the second part).

second part: create a second project to load the names into a list box. perform a "Look Up" and display the appropriate information for the selected name.

The second part should be very easy to someone here; please write codes, I have stuck in the second part for couple of hours.

Thanks very much

First of all, please identify the School Subject so we can easily recognize it. Look to the left above Grade Levels and select one of the School Subjects.


Hi the School subjects is college level,


School Subjects - Computer


I suggest you experiment with some coding and find out how VB works. If you have problems, post what you have tried, and we'll guide you where the problem is.
Programming is learned a lot by
1. learning in the classroom and lab
2. reading textbook tutorial examples.
3. experimentation (most important part)
If we write the code for you, we deprive you of the experience you get from programming.

Hope to see some code from you soon.

Also, you are expected to write
"computer-VB" in the school subject in the initial post.
Not everyone knows what VB means.

Sure, I can help you with that.

In the second part of your task, you need to create a project that loads the names from the first project into a list box and performs a "Look Up" operation on the selected name. Here are the steps you can follow:

1. Get the names from the first project: To access the names stored in the first project, you will need to make sure that the first project's data is stored in a format that can be easily read. For example, you can store the data in a text file or a database. Once you have access to the names, you can proceed to the next step.

2. Load the names into the list box: In your second project, you will have a form with a list box control. You'll need to write code to load the names from the first project into this list box. The specific way to load the names will depend on the programming language or framework you're using.

For example, if you're using C# and Windows Forms, you can use the following code to load the names into the list box:

string[] names = LoadNamesFromFirstProject(); // Replace this with the actual method to load names

3. Perform the "Look Up" operation: When the user selects a name from the list box, you'll need to retrieve the corresponding information and display it. To do this, you can handle the appropriate event of the list box, such as the `SelectedIndexChanged` event.

For example, if you want to display the selected name's phone number, you can use the following code:

private void ListBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
string selectedName = listBox1.SelectedItem.ToString();
string phoneNumber = GetPhoneNumberForName(selectedName); // Replace this with the actual method to retrieve the phone number

// Display the phone number in a label or textbox
phoneNumberLabel.Text = phoneNumber;

Make sure to replace the placeholder methods `LoadNamesFromFirstProject()` and `GetPhoneNumberForName()` with your actual implementation to retrieve the data from the first project.

These are general steps to help you get started with the second part of your task. The actual code implementation may vary depending on the programming language and framework you're using.