There are 48 students in a school play. The ratio of boys to girls is 5:7. How many boys are in the school play? Explain how you found your answer.

Where did you get the 5/12 from when it's 5/7?

You're comparing the number of boys with the total.

5 + 7 = 12

A school has 1800 students on its roll 40% of whom are girls how many boys are there in the school

on the question above the one with no answer i got that answer but my teacher says it is wrong who is right and how did you get this answer?

i really need help on this pls help ☺️

To find the number of boys in the school play, we need to use the given ratio of boys to girls.

First, let's break down the ratio into parts. The total parts in the ratio is 5 + 7 = 12 (5 for boys and 7 for girls).

Next, we need to determine the value of each part. To do this, we divide the total number of students (48) by the total parts in the ratio (12):

48 students ÷ 12 parts = 4 students per part

Now, we can find the number of boys by multiplying the number of parts for boys (5) by the value of each part (4):

5 parts × 4 students per part = 20 boys

Therefore, there are 20 boys in the school play.

I'd set up a proportion (ratio).

5/12 = b/48

12b = 240

b = 20