who did rome destroy and then put salt over the land so nothing would grow again?


That's the legend, so your answer is correct.

There is doubt, however, whether this actually happened.

To find the answer to your question, you can use historical knowledge or conduct a search.

1. Historical knowledge: Rome destroyed the city of Carthage and put salt over the land. Carthage was a major rival of Rome during the Punic Wars. In the Third Punic War (149-146 BCE), Rome besieged and completely destroyed Carthage, leaving the city in ruins. The legend of salting the land is often associated with this event, although there is some debate among historians about its actual occurrence.

2. Conducting a search: You can search for "ancient Rome destroyed city with salt" or similar keywords on platforms like Google. This will provide you with various historical sources, scholarly articles, or reliable websites that can confirm Rome's destruction of Carthage and the salting of its land.

Remember to critically evaluate the information you obtain by cross-referencing multiple sources to ensure accuracy.