1. Oh, this is him.

- Right.

2. Oh, this is he.
(Which one is right or grammatical?)

#2 is the grammatically correct one.

Both sentences are grammatically correct, but their usage depends on the context and personal preference.

The sentence "Oh, this is him." is commonly used in informal speech and is more colloquial. In this sentence, "him" is used as an object pronoun.

On the other hand, the sentence "Oh, this is he." is more formal and is considered to be grammatically correct in standard English. In this sentence, "he" is used as a subject pronoun.

In everyday conversations, "Oh, this is him." is more commonly used and widely accepted. However, in formal or written contexts, it is considered more appropriate to use "Oh, this is he."

So, both options are grammatically correct, but "Oh, this is him." is more common in informal speech, while "Oh, this is he." is more formal and might be preferred in formal writing or situations where more traditional grammar rules are followed.