The question is "Evaluate the effectiveness of this action"

The action was the government appologizing for Chinese Head Tax. Not only did the gov't appologize , it also gave symbloic payments to those affected by the head tax.

Then it says "does it consider the perspectives of all stakeholders"

Im guessing that the stakeholders are the chinese people.. but what do they mean by their perspectives ?? I have no idea how to answer this question please help !!!

Read these sites, especially the comments at the end of the second site.

I agree that the primary stakeholders are the Chinese people.

Their perspectives would vary, wouldn't they? Wouldn't people who live in cities have different perspectives from those who live in villages or on farms? Wouldn't people who have more money have different perspectives than those who are barely scraping by? What other perspectives can you think of?

Thanks ! Both of your responces helped answer my question ! :)

You're welcome.

To evaluate the effectiveness of the government's action and determine if it considers the perspectives of all stakeholders, you can follow these steps:

1. Identify the stakeholders: In this case, the stakeholders are the Chinese people who were affected by the Head Tax.

2. Define perspectives: Perspectives refer to the viewpoints, opinions, concerns, and interests of the different stakeholders. In relation to the Chinese Head Tax, these perspectives might include issues such as historical injustice, financial compensation, acknowledgment, and apology.

3. Gather information: To evaluate the effectiveness of the government's action, you need to gather information on how the Chinese people perceived and responded to the apology and symbolic payments. You can look for public opinion surveys, interviews with affected individuals, community organizations, or media coverage to understand their perspectives.

4. Analyze perspectives: Once you have gathered the information, analyze the perspectives of the Chinese people. Look for indications of satisfaction, acceptance, or dissatisfaction with the government's action, the extent to which their concerns were addressed, and any ongoing issues or unresolved matters.

5. Determine effectiveness: Based on your analysis of the stakeholders' perspectives, you can evaluate the effectiveness of the government's action. If the affected Chinese people generally feel that their concerns were considered and addressed, the action could be deemed effective. However, if there are significant objections, ongoing grievances, or dissatisfaction from the stakeholders, the action may not be considered effective in considering their perspectives.

Remember, effective evaluation should consider multiple viewpoints and perspectives, putting yourself in the shoes of the stakeholders affected by the action.