The grade of a road is its slope given as a percent. for example, a road with a 6% grade has a slope 6/100. it rises 6 feet for every 100 feet of horizontal run. describe a 100% grade. Do you think you could drive up it?could you walk up it? Is it possible for a grade to be GREATER THAN 100%?...


According to the rule, a 100% grade rises 100 feet for every 100 feet of horizontal run. This makes a 45° angle with the horizontal.

Cars cannot drive up that slope, nor trucks. For someone to walk on it, it requires the friction. I managed to walk on a shingled roof of 40° on running shoes (so they don't slip) but it was not easy.

Yes, it is possible to have a grade of more than 100%, but probably not for a useful road.

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A very steep street has a maximuim rise of 11 meters for a horizontal distance of 14.39 meters. Find the grade of this section of road.

A 100% grade means that for every 100 feet of horizontal run, the road rises 100 feet vertically. In other words, it has a vertical rise equal to the horizontal distance.

Driving up a 100% grade would be extremely challenging and potentially dangerous. Most vehicles, including cars and trucks, would likely struggle to climb such a steep slope, and it could lead to damage to the vehicle or the possibility of it flipping over. It is generally not recommended to attempt driving up a 100% grade unless you have a specialized vehicle designed for such terrains.

Walking up a 100% grade would also be very difficult. It would feel like climbing a sheer vertical surface, similar to rock climbing. It would require a high level of physical strength, stamina, and proper equipment like ropes and harnesses to safely ascend. Most people would find it almost impossible to walk up a 100% grade.

As for whether it is possible for a grade to be greater than 100%, yes, it is theoretically possible. A grade greater than 100% means that the road rises more than it extends horizontally. However, in practical terms, grades greater than 100% are rare and almost nonexistent in road infrastructure. They would be extremely steep and nearly impossible to traverse even with specialized equipment.