the number of grams of KCI per 100g of water that would produce a saturated soluion at 50 degrees C is?

Surely you have tables or a graph. I don't have those.

To determine the number of grams of KCI per 100g of water that would produce a saturated solution at 50 degrees Celsius, we need to refer to the solubility data for KCI at that temperature.

Solubility data typically represents the maximum amount of solute that can dissolve in a given amount of solvent at a specific temperature. For KCI, the solubility varies with temperature, so we need to find the solubility value at 50 degrees Celsius.

One way to obtain this information is by consulting a solubility chart, table, or database that provides solubility values for different substances at various temperatures. An extensive range of physical, chemical, and thermodynamic data is available in reference books, scientific journals, or online resources.

You can search for "KCI solubility chart" or "KCI solubility data" in a search engine and look for sources that provide solubility information specifically at 50 degrees Celsius. Make sure to note the units of solubility (usually grams of solute per 100g of water or grams of solute per liter of water) to match the given form of the question.

Once you find the solubility value for KCI at 50 degrees Celsius, that number represents the maximum grams of KCI that can dissolve in 100g of water at that temperature, yielding a saturated solution.