Conor's sense if his own INFALLIBILITY has contributed to his succes at chess.

A. inability to make an error
B. worth
c. open-mindedness
D. srtategic skills

The correct answer is A. inability to make an error. Conor's sense of his own infallibility means that he believes he cannot make a mistake. This belief likely gives him confidence and allows him to make strategic moves without hesitation, contributing to his success in chess.

The correct answer is A. inability to make an error. Conor's sense of his own infallibility means that he believes he cannot make any mistakes in chess. This mindset can contribute to his success because it gives him confidence and allows him to make strategic decisions without hesitation or self-doubt.

To arrive at this answer, you can analyze the given statement and eliminate the other options:

- Option B, "worth," is unrelated to Conor's sense of infallibility. It does not explain how his belief in his own infallibility contributes to his success at chess.
- Option C, "open-mindedness," may be a valuable trait in chess, but it is not directly related to Conor's sense of infallibility. Having an open mind would mean being willing to consider alternative moves and strategies, which contradicts the idea of infallibility.
- Option D, "strategic skills," is not the correct answer because strategic skills are a separate factor that can contribute to success in chess, but they are not directly related to Conor's belief in his own infallibility.

Therefore, the only remaining option, A, "inability to make an error," aligns with Conor's sense of infallibility as described in the statement.

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