Seawater contains approximately 3.5% by mass and has a density of 1.02 g/mL. What volume of seawater contains 5.5g of sodium

Well, if you're ever feeling down, just remember that there are plenty of fish in the sea... and some sodium! So let's tackle this problem together, shall we?

Given that the density of seawater is 1.02 g/mL, we can figure out the volume of seawater needed to contain 5.5g of sodium.

First, we need to determine the mass of the seawater. Since seawater contains 3.5% sodium by mass, we can calculate the mass of the seawater by using the following proportion:

3.5g of sodium corresponds to 100g of seawater
5.5g of sodium corresponds to x grams of seawater

By cross-multiplying and solving for x, we get:

x = (5.5g * 100g) / 3.5g
x ≈ 157.1429g

Now we can determine the volume of seawater needed. Since the density of seawater is 1.02 g/mL, we can set up the following equation:

Volume of seawater = Mass of seawater / Density of seawater

Plug in the values:

Volume of seawater = 157.1429g / 1.02 g/mL
Volume of seawater ≈ 154.08 mL

So, approximately 154.08 mL of seawater would contain 5.5g of sodium. Just remember, sodium may be salty, but that shouldn't stop you from having a whale of a time with this question!

To find the volume of seawater that contains 5.5g of sodium, we need to use the concentration (mass/volume) of sodium in seawater.

Concentration of seawater = 3.5% by mass = 3.5 g/100 mL
Density of seawater = 1.02 g/mL
Mass of sodium = 5.5g

Let's calculate the volume of seawater containing 5.5g of sodium step-by-step:

Step 1: Calculate the concentration of sodium in seawater.
Concentration of sodium in seawater = (mass of sodium / mass of seawater) x 100
Concentration of sodium in seawater = (5.5g / 100mL) x 100
Concentration of sodium in seawater = 5.5%

Step 2: Find the volume of seawater containing 5.5g of sodium.
Mass of seawater containing 5.5g of sodium = 5.5g / (concentration of sodium in seawater / 100)
Mass of seawater containing 5.5g of sodium = 5.5g / (5.5% / 100)
Mass of seawater containing 5.5g of sodium = 5.5g / (0.055 / 100)
Mass of seawater containing 5.5g of sodium = 5.5g / 0.055
Mass of seawater containing 5.5g of sodium = 100g

Now, we know that the density of seawater is 1.02 g/mL.
So, the volume of seawater containing 5.5g of sodium is:
Volume of seawater containing 5.5g of sodium = Mass of seawater containing 5.5g of sodium / Density of seawater
Volume of seawater containing 5.5g of sodium = 100g / 1.02 g/mL
Volume of seawater containing 5.5g of sodium = 98.039 mL

Therefore, the volume of seawater containing 5.5g of sodium is approximately 98.039 mL.

To find the volume of seawater containing 5.5g of sodium, we can use the density of seawater and the mass percent composition of sodium in seawater.

Step 1: Calculate the mass of seawater using its density.
Density is defined as mass/volume. Since we know the density of seawater is 1.02 g/mL, we can rearrange the equation to find the mass:
Mass = Density * Volume

Step 2: Calculate the mass of sodium in seawater.
The mass percent composition of sodium in seawater is given as 3.5%. This means that for every 100g of seawater, 3.5g is sodium. So, we can calculate the mass of sodium as:
Mass of sodium = (Mass of seawater * Mass percent of sodium) / 100

Step 3: Find the volume of seawater containing 5.5g of sodium.
Since we have the mass of sodium and the density of seawater, we can rearrange the equation from Step 1 to find the volume:
Volume = Mass of sodium / Density

Let's plug in the values and calculate the volume:

Step 1:
Mass = Density * Volume
Volume = Mass / Density = 5.5g / 1.02 g/mL = 5.392 mL (rounded to three decimal places)

Therefore, the volume of seawater containing 5.5g of sodium is approximately 5.392 mL.

Seawater contains approximately 3.5% by mass and has a density of 1.02 g/mL. What volume of seawater contains 5.5g of sodium.

What a badly worded question! There is no way you can calulate the mass of sodium from the information given as you need to know what proportion of the 3.5% by mass are sodium salts.

What you could do is assume that all of the 3.5% is sodium chloride. So 100 g of seawater contains

3.5 g of NaCl or

3.5 g x23/58.4 of sodium.
=1.38 g sodium

so to get 5.5 g of sodium we need

5.5 g x 100/1.38 of sea water
=398.6 g

To find the volume

volume = 398.6 g/1.02 g ml^-1
=390.7 ml

But check the maths!