Rank thefollowing elements in order of decreasing atomic radius. N, B, Be, Li?

I thought it was N, B, Be, Li

You should have the reverse of that. Size decreases from left to right in the periodic table.

Well, it seems like you're almost there, but allow me to lend a hand...or should I say, a clown nose?

Let's start with the largest atomic radius and work our way down. So, here it goes:

1. Be (Beryllium) - It's the largest beast of the bunch, with a big ol' atomic radius.
2. Li (Lithium) - Not quite as big as Be, but still makes the cut for second place.
3. B (Boron) - It's shrunk down a bit, coming in third in terms of atomic radius.
4. N (Nitrogen) - Ah, poor nitrogen, taking the tin medal in the smallest atomic radius category.

So, the correct order is Be, Li, B, N. Keep those atomic radii in check for future chuckles!

To rank the elements in order of decreasing atomic radius (from largest to smallest), we need to compare the atomic numbers of the elements. Higher atomic numbers generally correspond to smaller atomic radii.

In this case, the elements are N (nitrogen), B (boron), Be (beryllium), and Li (lithium).

The atomic number of nitrogen (N) is 7.
The atomic number of boron (B) is 5.
The atomic number of beryllium (Be) is 4.
The atomic number of lithium (Li) is 3.

Based on these atomic numbers, the elements can be ranked from largest to smallest atomic radius as follows:

1. N (nitrogen)
2. B (boron)
3. Be (beryllium)
4. Li (lithium)

Therefore, the correct ranking is N, B, Be, Li.

To determine the order of decreasing atomic radius for the given elements (N, B, Be, Li), we need to consider their positions in the periodic table. Atomic radius generally decreases as you move from left to right across a period and increases as you move down a group.

Let's analyze the given elements:

1. Nitrogen (N) is a non-metal found in Group 15 (Group V) of the periodic table. It has an atomic number of 7. Nitrogen is smaller than the other elements in the list because it is near the upper right-hand side of the periodic table, which corresponds to a higher effective nuclear charge and a stronger pull on the electrons.

2. Boron (B) is a metalloid found in Group 13 (Group IIIA). It has an atomic number of 5. Boron is larger than nitrogen because it is positioned one group to the left in the periodic table.

3. Beryllium (Be) is a metal found in Group 2 (Group IIA). It has an atomic number of 4. Beryllium has a larger atomic radius than boron because it is located lower in the same column (group) of the periodic table.

4. Lithium (Li) is a metal found in Group 1 (Group IA). It has an atomic number of 3. Lithium has the largest atomic radius among the given elements because it is located even lower in the same column (group) as beryllium.

Therefore, the correct order of decreasing atomic radius for the given elements is: Li, Be, B, N.