which of the following is an example of the investigatory powers of congress?

a. accepting a treaty made by the president
b. the power to regulate commerce with foreign nations
c. the power to lay and collect taxes
d. gathering information useful in making lefislative decisions


I would go with d also but get a second opinion.

I have to write an essay on the first three articles of the constitution, do you have any suggestions?

The correct answer is option D: gathering information useful in making legislative decisions. The investigatory powers of Congress refer to their authority to conduct investigations and gather information on matters within their legislative power. This allows them to gather relevant data and evidence to inform their decision-making process for creating laws.

To arrive at the answer, it's important to carefully consider the definitions and responsibilities of Congress. Let's look at the other options and eliminate them one by one:

a. Accepting a treaty made by the president: This involves the Senate's role in the treaty-making process, which falls under the constitutional power of the President, not Congress's investigatory powers.

b. The power to regulate commerce with foreign nations: While Congress does have the power to regulate commerce, this is a general power rather than specifically related to investigation. It refers to their authority to regulate trade with foreign nations, set tariffs, and establish rules for international trade.

c. The power to lay and collect taxes: Similar to option (b), this power is a general legislative power granted to Congress rather than a specific investigatory power.

d. Gathering information useful in making legislative decisions: This option correctly identifies the investigatory power of Congress. This involves the authority of Congress to conduct investigations, issue subpoenas, hold hearings, and gather information for the purpose of making informed decisions when creating legislation.

So, after carefully reviewing all the options, option d is the only one that accurately describes an example of the investigatory powers of Congress.