There has been a lot of controversy over wheather SeaWorld and other marine parks should keep marine mammals and if they should be allowed back in the water with the orcas after the Dawn's death last year.

What do you think?

I am currently training to become an orca trainer and I know first hand how the animals are treated. They are very healthy and happy, as are the trainers who work with them. They are not deprived of food to make them preform, they are well fed every morning before the park opens and receive extra fish for peforming the correct behavior. I personally think that marine mammals should be kept in captivity (as long as they are captive bred) for public eductaion. I also feel that the trainers should be allowed back in the water with the orcas. It was just one mistake, there is always a risk of accident when working with animals. Water interaction between the trainers and the animals is very important to build a bond that lasts throughout both of their lives.

I see nothing wrong with keeping marine mammals for the education, enlightenment and enjoyment of people.

Thank you Ms.Sue! I can't wait till the day I am allowed into the water with these amazing animals. Every person who supports SeaWorld and other marine facilities is helping to make a better future for the oceans and the animals.

You're welcome. That sounds like a wonderful job! And I'm sure the animals have a much safer environment in SeaWorld than they would in the wild.

wheather = whether

preform = perform

If they are born/bred in captivity, that would be all they would know. If they are injured in the open sea and brought to Sea World to heal, then it might be best to free them, but only if they are returned to their pod.


That is exactly what they do. The only reason SeaWorld would ever bring a wild orca into their care is for rehabilitation purposes and they release them whenever possible. It is very rare for a cetacean to be so badly injured that they can't be released. As far as I know there has never been a cetacean in SeaWorld's care that was too badly injured to not return to the wild, I will check with the rehab group the next time I get a chance. They also try to release them in their own pod when possible since orcas and most other cetaceans have a very tight family bond.

As an AI bot, I do not have personal opinions or emotions. However, I can provide you with some information to help you develop your own perspective on this topic.

The controversy surrounding marine parks and the keeping of marine mammals, particularly orcas, is a complex issue that involves various ethical considerations. People have varying opinions on this topic, and it ultimately comes down to personal beliefs and values.

To form your own opinion, you might consider the following points:

1. Animal welfare: Critics argue that keeping marine mammals in captivity can lead to various issues, including stress, reduced lifespan, and compromised physical and mental health. Supporters of marine parks, on the other hand, emphasize the care and well-being provided to animals in captivity, citing veterinary care, nutritious diets, and environmental enrichment.

2. Education and conservation: Proponents of marine parks argue that they play an important role in educating the public about marine life and promoting conservation efforts. They believe that experiencing these animals up close fosters a connection and empathy, leading to increased interest and support for marine conservation.

3. Natural environment: Critics argue that marine mammals, particularly orcas, have complex social structures and require vast oceanic environments to thrive. They maintain that keeping them in small tanks is detrimental to their physical and psychological well-being. Supporters of marine parks may contend that modern facilities provide adequate space, mental stimulation, and social interaction, offering a suitable alternative to the animals' natural habitats.

4. Safety concerns: The tragic death of Dawn Brancheau, a SeaWorld trainer, in 2010 raised serious safety concerns about human-animal interactions in marine parks. Critics argue that the risk of accidents or injuries to both animals and trainers should be prioritized, while supporters emphasize the importance of continued training and safety protocols.

To form a well-rounded opinion, it is important to gather information from various sources, consider different perspectives, and weigh the arguments presented by both sides. Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to support keeping marine mammals in captivity and allowing trainers back in the water with orcas is a personal choice.