how do i write a thesis statement ? Like teachers always say "What's the Big Idea" or "Universal Idea" and I always think I have it but I never get it right. & I'm embarrassed to say that I am a Senior in High School asking this question -__- I have to write a thesis for "The Century Quilt" by Marilyn Nelson Waniek. Can someone please help me ! Like how to get started or something ? PLEASE

Don't worry, I'm here to help! Writing a strong thesis statement can be challenging, but with a little guidance, you'll be able to create a compelling one for your essay on "The Century Quilt."

Here are some steps you can follow to get started:

1. Read and analyze the poem: Begin by carefully reading and understanding "The Century Quilt." Pay attention to the themes, imagery, symbols, and emotions conveyed in the poem. Take notes on any significant observations or ideas that stand out to you.

2. Identify the central ideas: Reflect on what you believe the poem is trying to convey. Consider the emotions, messages, or insights that the poet may be expressing through their choice of words and imagery. Look for overarching themes that resonate throughout the poem.

3. Look for connections: Consider how the themes or ideas in the poem connect to broader topics or issues. Think about the historical, social, cultural, or personal contexts that might be relevant to the poem. Is there anything about the poem that relates to larger human experiences or universal truths?

4. Formulate a question: To develop a thesis statement, it can be helpful to frame it as a question. For example, you could ask: "How does 'The Century Quilt' explore themes of heritage and identity?" or "What is the significance of the quilt as a symbol in 'The Century Quilt'?"

5. Answer the question with a concise statement: Your thesis statement should provide a clear response to the question you formulated earlier. It should state your main argument or position on the topic. Make sure your thesis is specific, debatable, and supported by evidence from the poem.

For example, a possible thesis statement could be: "In 'The Century Quilt,' Marilyn Nelson Waniek uses the quilt as a powerful symbol of heritage and identity, highlighting the complex interplay between personal history, cultural traditions, and the individual's sense of self."

Remember, your thesis statement is the backbone of your essay and should guide your writing. It may evolve and be refined as you delve deeper into your analysis. Don't hesitate to revise and modify it as needed.

Good luck with your essay, and don't be embarrassed about asking questions – that's how we learn and grow!