Is this true or false

Both sublimation and melting are considered endothermic processes.


I agree with Lisa. It takes energy to sublime a substance; it takes energy to melt a substance.

This statement is true. Both sublimation and melting are considered endothermic processes.

To understand why, let's start by defining each process:

1. Sublimation: Sublimation is the transition of a substance from its solid state directly to its gaseous state, without passing through the liquid state. This process requires energy input and is considered endothermic because heat is absorbed to break the bonds and convert the solid directly into a gas.

2. Melting: Melting is the process in which a substance changes from its solid state to its liquid state. It occurs when the substance absorbs enough heat energy to overcome the intermolecular forces holding its particles together. Just like sublimation, melting is an endothermic process because heat is required to break the intermolecular bonds and convert the solid into a liquid.

By understanding the definitions and principles behind sublimation and melting, you can conclude that both processes are indeed endothermic.