Could you please check this other exercise on reporting verbs? Thank you.

1) “Would you like to go for a motorbike ride uphill?”, he said to me.
He invited me to go .....
2) “I’m sorry, I broke your glasses.” He admitted breaking the vase./He apologized for breaking the vase./He confessed to breaking the vase.
3) “If I were you, I’d leave tomorrow morning,” he said. He advised me to leave the following day. He suggested I leave the following day.
4) “Remember to park outside the house,” he said. He reminded me to park outside the house.
5) “Let’s make pizza,” he said. He suggested/advised/proposed making pizza.
6) “Sorry, but I won’t do it”, he said. He refused to do it.
7) “It’s a pity we missed the beginning of the film,” he said. He regretted missing...
8) “OK, I’ll phone Mary for you”, she said. She offered/agreed to phone...
“Come in and shut the door”, he said. He ordered me/us to come in and shut the door.
9)"No, I don't want to travel to London by train", she said. She objected to travelling to London..

5 -- also -- He said we should make pizza.

8 -- also -- He told us to ... ~ He suggested that we ...

All others are fine.

1) He invited me to go for a motorbike ride uphill.

To find the correct transformation of the sentence, we need to identify the reporting verb that indicates an invitation. In this case, the reporting verb is "invited." The structure is "He + invited + object + to + base verb." So, the correct answer is "He invited me to go for a motorbike ride uphill."

2) He admitted breaking the vase. / He apologized for breaking the vase. / He confessed to breaking the vase.
We need to choose a reporting verb that indicates admitting, apologizing, or confessing. In this case, all the options are correct. So, you can choose any of them based on your preference.

3) He advised me to leave the following day. / He suggested I leave the following day.
We need to choose a reporting verb that indicates giving advice or making a suggestion. In this case, both "advised" and "suggested" are correct. So, you can choose either of them.

4) He reminded me to park outside the house.
To find the correct transformation, we need to identify the reporting verb that indicates reminding. In this case, the reporting verb is "reminded." The structure is "He + reminded + object + to + base verb." So, the correct answer is "He reminded me to park outside the house."

5) He suggested/advised/proposed making pizza.
We need to choose a reporting verb that indicates making a suggestion. In this case, all the options are correct. So, you can choose any of them based on your preference.

6) He refused to do it.
To find the correct transformation, we need to identify the reporting verb that indicates refusing. In this case, the reporting verb is "refused." The structure is "He + refused + to + base verb." So, the correct answer is "He refused to do it."

7) He regretted missing the beginning of the film.
To find the correct transformation, we need to identify the reporting verb that indicates regretting. In this case, the reporting verb is "regretted." The structure is "He + regretted + verb-ing." So, the correct answer is "He regretted missing the beginning of the film."

8) She offered/agreed to phone...
To find the correct transformation, we need to identify the reporting verb that indicates offering or agreeing. In this case, both "offered" and "agreed" are correct. So, you can choose either of them based on your preference.

9) She objected to traveling to London.
To find the correct transformation, we need to identify the reporting verb that indicates objecting. In this case, the reporting verb is "objected." The structure is "She + objected + to + base verb-ing." So, the correct answer is "She objected to traveling to London."