how to draw a venn diagram for:

A is a subset of B;
C is a subset of B;
A and C have no elements in common

Thanks Dr. Russ. I had these items drawen just didn't know if it was correct or not.

To draw a Venn diagram representing the given information, follow these steps:

Step 1: Draw two overlapping circles, one representing set A and the other representing set B.

Step 2: Since A is a subset of B, place circle A entirely inside circle B to indicate that every element of set A is also an element of set B.

Step 3: Since C is also a subset of B, place another circle, C, inside circle B. Ensure that circle C does not overlap with circle A to represent that A and C have no elements in common.

Step 4: Label the circles appropriately, such as A, B, and C, to indicate which set they represent.

Step 5: If desired, you can shade the regions of the circles to show the different areas or regions, typically using different colors. In this case, you can shade the region inside circle A but outside circle C to indicate the elements that belong to set A but not to set C. The other regions will be left unshaded.

By following these steps, you will have successfully drawn a Venn diagram representing the given information.

Draw one large circle (B) and with in this draw two smaller circles (A and C) so that A and C are within B and do not intersect.