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What was one of the powerful movements that transformed European society during the early modern era?

What do you consider to be "the early modern era"? What years?

discuss the powerful movement that transformed European society during the early modern era?

During the early modern era, one of the powerful movements that transformed European society was the Protestant Reformation. This was a religious movement that took place in the 16th century and was led by Martin Luther, John Calvin, and other reformers.

To understand how the Protestant Reformation transformed European society, you can start by researching the key ideas and events associated with this movement. Here's how you can gather information and get a comprehensive answer to your question:

1. Research influential figures: Learn about the key figures of the Protestant Reformation, such as Martin Luther, John Calvin, and Ulrich Zwingli. Look into their writings and teachings, as they played a significant role in challenging the authority of the Catholic Church.

2. Study key events: Understand the events that led to the rise of the Protestant Reformation. This includes Martin Luther's famous act of nailing his Ninety-Five Theses to the door of the All Saints' Church in Wittenberg, along with other significant events like the Diet of Worms and the Peace of Augsburg.

3. Explore theological differences: Investigate the theological differences between the Catholic Church and the Protestant reformers. Look into concepts like justification by faith alone, the priesthood of all believers, and the rejection of certain Catholic practices such as indulgences and the veneration of saints.

4. Examine societal impacts: Consider the societal consequences of the Protestant Reformation. This can include the rise of Protestant denominations, the decline in the authority and power of the Catholic Church, conflicts such as the Wars of Religion, and changes in religious practices and beliefs across Europe.

By following these steps, you can gather the necessary information to understand the Protestant Reformation and how it transformed European society during the early modern era.