I have a question it the reflection rules for literture they said for presentation i have to have 1 orgainal and 2 copies are to be submitted.

Does that means

a) I have to print out my real essay and make 2 more copies
b) print out my real copy and make 2 copies of th draft

a or b
and explain why?

Thank You!!!

I would most likely go with A.

Do not submit your draft.

You need a. You need three copies of your final paper -- the original plus two more copies.

Ok so I just have to print my orginal and print 2 more copies ok.

Thank You Ms. Sue and Maria !!!! :)

Good Night !!! ;)

No problem =)

To determine whether you need to print out your real essay and make two more copies, or print out your real copy and make two copies of the draft, you will need to carefully analyze what the instructions mean by "original" and "copies."

In option a), printing out your real essay and making two more copies, it suggests that the "original" refers to the finalized version of your essay that you want to present, while the "copies" imply duplicate versions of the finalized essay.

In option b), printing out your real copy and making two copies of the draft, it suggests that the "original" refers to a draft or unfinished version of your essay, while the "copies" imply duplicate versions of this draft.

To arrive at the correct interpretation, it is essential to consider the purpose of the requirement. If the intention is for you to present and submit your final essay along with additional copies for the presentation, then option a) would be the correct choice. This ensures that all three submitted essays are identical and represent your finalized work.

However, if the instructions were meant for reviewing and providing feedback on drafts before the final version, then option b) would be more appropriate. This allows for multiple copies of the draft to be distributed for review purposes.

In summary, you need to carefully analyze the instructions and determine the purpose of requiring an "original" and "copies." Once you understand the intent behind the rule, you can choose either option a) or b) accordingly.