Does this question --

Does he like sandwiches?

-- translate to

¿A él le gustan los sándwiches?

Yes, it does. Now, how will you answer it? :)


Yes, the question "Does he like sandwiches?" can be translated to "¿A él le gustan los sándwiches?" in Spanish. The translation involves a few key steps:

Step 1: Identify the subject and verb in the original question. In this case, the subject is "he" and the verb is "like."

Step 2: Determine the equivalent translation for the verb "like" in Spanish. The verb "gustar" is commonly used to express likes and dislikes in Spanish.

Step 3: Consider the grammatical structure of the Spanish sentence. The verb "gustar" in Spanish is used in a different way compared to English. Instead of saying "He likes sandwiches," we say "Sandwiches are pleasing to him." This change in structure is because the subject of the sentence is not the person liking something, but rather the thing being liked.

Step 4: Add the appropriate pronoun in front of the verb "gustar" to show who is being pleased or displeased. In this case, we use "A él" to mean "to him."

Step 5: Complete the translation by adding the noun "los sándwiches" (meaning "the sandwiches") in its plural form.

By following these steps and understanding the difference in sentence structure between English and Spanish, you can arrive at the correct translation: "¿A él le gustan los sándwiches?"