He is an actor, director, and a musician. He tried to be a rock star, only to see his band split. He moved into acting, only to be disappointed that he was getting attention because of his looks. Defying his idol image, he did small roles in films slowly proving himself to be one of the most adventurous and talented actors of his generation. His name is Johnny Depp.

I'm doing a speech. and this is my introduction. Is there another interesting way I can say that this actor i'm describing is johnny depp rather than just "his name is johnny depp" at the end.

I would call him the "avatar" of Sissorhands, Sweeny Todd and Captain Jack. Inside the the speech you can call him Johnny Depp

Certainly! Here's an alternative way to conclude your introduction and reveal that the actor you're describing is Johnny Depp:

"And so, ladies and gentlemen, behind the multifaceted persona of an artist who dared to defy expectations, we find a name that resonates with triumph over adversity, a name that embodies the true spirit of artistic exploration and versatility. I present to you the one and only enigma of our time, the embodiment of relentless talent and captivating charm, the answer to all of our musings - the unparalleled Johnny Depp."

This phrasing adds a touch of intrigue and anticipation before finally revealing the actor's name, making it a more dramatic and enticing conclusion to your introduction.