I urgently need you to check these other examples. I can't find a good example with " The swan glides.../The swan hisses ..." Could you help me?

1)You will be asked to walk, trot and canter your horse around the ring.
2) The lion pounced on its pray.
3) The rabbits hop in the grass.
I could see frogs hopping in the pnd.
4) A snake slithered in the grass.
The mouse scurried away when he saw a cat approaching.
5) The ballad is rich in figures of speech.

In 3 -- "pond"

Everything else is fine.

The swan glides under the bridge from the lake into the river.

The swan hisses at the dog that gets too close.

2) prey, not pray

3) pnd = pond

For the swan: floats, sails, trumpets, whoops, swims


Sure, let's go through each example:

1) "You will be asked to walk, trot and canter your horse around the ring."
- In this sentence, the action verbs are "walk," "trot," and "canter." We can identify these as action verbs because they describe physical actions that can be performed. To find an example with "glides" or "hisses," we can consider using the same sentence structure but substituting the verbs. For example: "The swan glides gracefully across the lake" or "The swan hisses menacingly at the perceived threat."

2) "The lion pounced on its prey."
- To find an example with "glides" or "hisses," we can again apply the same sentence structure. For example: "The swan glides silently across the water" or "The swan hisses defensively when cornered."

3) "The rabbits hop in the grass."
- Similarly, we can modify this sentence to include "glides" or "hisses." For example: "The swan glides gently along the river" or "The swan hisses loudly to ward off intruders."

4) "A snake slithered in the grass. The mouse scurried away when it saw a cat approaching."
- Here, we have two sentences to work with. To find examples with "glides" or "hisses," we can modify these sentences individually. For example: "The swan glides majestically through the calm lake" or "The swan hisses aggressively to protect its nest."

5) "The ballad is rich in figures of speech."
- This sentence doesn't contain any action verbs, so we won't be able to find an example with "glides" or "hisses" using this specific sentence structure. If you'd like an example using those verbs, we would need a different sentence context.

I hope these examples help! Let me know if you need any further assistance.