When the interests of politicians or big business moguls coincide with those of the masses which of the following is the consequence?

coverage of events will be leaked

coverage of events will be automatic

coverage of events will be cancelled

coverage of events will be slanted

Which one?


Consider a situation or situations in your personal life where you feel you have used inductive or deductive reasoning to come to a conclusion. Review the definitions of inductive and deductive reasoning that are presented in the Unit 2 material and in examples provided by your Instructor. Describe one example of inductive reasoning and one example of deductive reasoning. For each example, you should explain the context and the conclusion that you drew.

Based on the question, the consequence when the interests of politicians or big business moguls coincide with those of the masses is not explicitly mentioned. However, we can use our knowledge of the topic to make an inference.

In situations where the interests of politicians or big business moguls align with those of the masses, it is possible that the coverage of events related to these interests will be **slanted**.

Explanation: When the interests of powerful entities align with the interests of the general public, there is a potential conflict of interest that can manipulate the way events are portrayed by the media. In such cases, the coverage of events may be biased or skewed to favor the perspectives and agendas of these powerful entities, rather than providing an objective and impartial view. This slanted coverage can influence public opinion and perception, potentially swaying public support in favor of the politicians or big business moguls.

It is important to note that this is a general observation and not an absolute consequence. The actual outcome can vary depending on various factors, including the specific circumstances and the media landscape.