This is actually maths homework but the question sounds like geography:

1)Why do you think the UK is so high up in the list for mortality rates due to drug-related diseases. What do you think we can do to lower drug-related deaths in the UK?

2)Why do you think the UK is so high up in the list for teenage pregnancy rates in the UK? What do you think can be done to lower the teenage pregnancy rate in the UK?

1) To understand why the UK has high mortality rates due to drug-related diseases, you would need to consider several factors. One potential reason could be the prevalence and accessibility of drugs, including both legal and illegal substances. Additionally, socio-economic factors such as poverty, unemployment, and lack of education may contribute to higher rates of drug abuse and related mortality. The UK's healthcare system and the effectiveness of drug treatment programs might also play a role.

To lower drug-related deaths in the UK, a multi-faceted approach is necessary. Implementing effective prevention programs that educate the public about the risks and consequences of drug use could help deter individuals from engaging in substance abuse. Enhancing access to quality addiction treatment services, including rehabilitation centers and counseling, could aid those struggling with drug addiction. Strengthening law enforcement efforts to reduce illegal drug availability and supporting harm reduction strategies such as needle exchange programs could also contribute to lowering drug-related deaths.

2) The reasons behind the high teenage pregnancy rates in the UK may involve several influencing factors. Some potential factors could include inadequate sex education, limited access to contraception and sexual health services, socio-economic disparities, cultural attitudes towards sex, and peer pressure.

To lower the teenage pregnancy rate in the UK, effective sex education is vital. Comprehensive and age-appropriate education that covers topics like safe sex, contraceptive methods, and responsible sexual behavior can empower teenagers with the knowledge they need to make informed decisions about their sexual health. Additionally, ensuring easy access to free or affordable contraception and sexual health services will enable teenagers to protect themselves. Promoting awareness campaigns to challenge societal norms and stereotypes surrounding teenage pregnancy can help change attitudes and reduce peer pressure to engage in early sexual activity.

It is important to note that addressing these issues requires collaboration between various stakeholders, including government agencies, healthcare providers, educational institutions, and community organizations.