This is actually maths homework but the question sounds like geography:

1)Why do you think the UK is so high up in the list for mortality rates due to drug-related diseases. What do you think we can do to lower drug-related deaths in the UK?

2)Why do you think the UK is so high up in the list for teenage pregnancy rates in the UK? What do you think can be done to lower the teenage pregnancy rate in the UK?

To answer these questions, we need to consider the factors contributing to each issue and discuss potential solutions. Keep in mind that these are complex socio-economic problems that require comprehensive strategies. Here's how you can approach answering these questions:

1) Mortality rates due to drug-related diseases in the UK:
To understand why the UK is high on the list for drug-related mortality rates, you can research and analyze various factors, including but not limited to:

a) Drug policy and legislation: Explore what drug policies are in place in the UK and how they may impact drug-related deaths. Look into how the availability of certain drugs, criminalization vs. harm reduction approaches, and access to addiction treatment services can play a role.
b) Socio-economic factors: Investigate how socio-economic conditions such as unemployment, poverty, homelessness, and social inequality may contribute to substance misuse and related consequences.
c) Access to healthcare: Examine the availability, affordability, and quality of healthcare services in relation to drug addiction treatment, mental health support, and harm reduction programs.
d) Education and prevention: Research efforts and initiatives targeting drug education, prevention, and harm reduction strategies in schools, communities, and healthcare systems.

To suggest ways to lower drug-related deaths in the UK, consider potential solutions such as:
- Implementing evidence-based drug policies that focus on harm reduction, treatment, and rehabilitation rather than solely on punitive measures.
- Expanding access to addiction treatment services, including resources for both detoxification and long-term recovery.
- Strengthening community-based support networks and initiatives that address the underlying socio-economic factors contributing to drug misuse.
- Increasing investment in mental health services to address co-occurring disorders and provide holistic support.
- Enhancing drug education programs that are age-appropriate, evidence-based, and inclusive.

2) Teenage pregnancy rates in the UK:
To understand why the UK has high teenage pregnancy rates, you can examine various factors and their potential influences:

a) Sex education and awareness: Investigate how comprehensive sex education programs are implemented in schools and their effectiveness in empowering young people to make informed decisions.
b) Access to contraceptives: Look at the availability, affordability, and accessibility of contraceptive methods, including barriers to access such as stigmas, lack of awareness, and limited healthcare services.
c) Socio-economic factors: Analyze how poverty, educational attainment, social norms, and cultural influences affect teenage pregnancy rates.
d) Support systems: Explore the availability of support networks, counseling services, and healthcare facilities that cater to the needs of young people facing unplanned pregnancies.

Suggested measures to lower teenage pregnancy rates in the UK could include:
- Strengthening comprehensive sex education that covers not only biological aspects but also relationships, consent, and contraceptive use.
- Ensuring easy access to affordable contraception, including increasing awareness about various options and providing confidential services.
- Promoting youth-friendly healthcare services that offer non-judgmental support, information, and access to reproductive health services.
- Empowering young people to make informed choices through campaigns that focus on raising awareness about the risks and realities of teenage pregnancy.
- Addressing socio-economic challenges by improving educational opportunities, reducing poverty, and promoting gender equality.

Remember that these issues require a multi-dimensional approach, involving coordination between government bodies, community organizations, educational institutions, and healthcare systems.