what three words create assonance in the stanza One day a girl went walking and stepped into a store she bought a pound of sausages then set them on the floor.

Assonance - repetition of vowel sounds

Jumpy Monkey Sundae (a dessert at a restaurant I used to go to!)

I hear a rhyme in there: store / floor

I also hear the assonance; find three successive words with the same (not just similar, but exactly the same) vowel sound.

Let us know.

find the two words that create assonance in the first set of lines. one day a girl went walking and stepped into a store. she bought a pound of sausages and laid them on the floor

Assonance is the repetition of vowel sounds within words in close proximity. In the given stanza, there are several instances of assonance. Here are three words that create assonance:

1. Day and sausages: The long "a" sound in "day" and "sausages" creates assonance.
2. Girl and into: The short "i" sound in "girl" and "into" creates assonance.
3. Store and floor: The long "o" sound in "store" and "floor" creates assonance.

To identify assonance, you need to listen for the similar vowel sounds within the words. Reading the stanza aloud and paying attention to the sounds of the vowels will help you identify such assonance.