Use your new conjectures to arrange the unknown measures in order from greatest to least. Measures 5cm,9cm and 12cm

12, 9 then 5.


To arrange the unknown measures from greatest to least, you need to compare the numbers and determine their order. In this case, the measures are given as 5cm, 9cm, and 12cm.

To start, you can compare the measures two at a time and determine their relative magnitudes. Let's compare 12cm to 9cm. Since 12 is greater than 9, we can conclude that 12cm is the greatest measure.

Now let's compare the remaining two measures, 5cm and 9cm. Since 9 is greater than 5, we can conclude that 9cm is the second greatest measure.

Finally, the remaining measure, 5cm, is the smallest. Therefore, the measures arranged from greatest to least are:

12cm > 9cm > 5cm