What is 10 +10 and 10*10 and what is the difference

What don't you understand about this problem?

The difference between both like why the answers are not the same

one is addition and one multiplication.

Thank you

To find the value of 10 + 10, you simply add the two numbers together. Therefore, 10 + 10 equals 20.

To find the value of 10 * 10, you multiply the two numbers together. So, 10 multiplied by 10 equals 100.

Now, let's calculate the difference between the two results. To find the difference, you subtract one number from the other. In this case, the difference is calculated by subtracting 20 from 100: 100 - 20 equals 80.

Therefore, the difference between 10 + 10 and 10 * 10 is 80.