How many water molecules are associated with Mg^2+ and how many are associated with SO4^2- in the structure MgSO4 x 7H2O?

Please help I am very confused by this question

I looked for a link on the web and didn't find it; however, I associate 6 H2O molecules with Mg^2+ and one with the crystal lattice (or with the sulfate). In the CuSO4.5H2O molecule, there are four H2O molecules associated with the Cu (as Cu(H2O)4^2+) and the fifth one is hydrogen bonded between one of the coordinated H2O molecules and the sulfate ion. My assumption is that MgSO4.7H2O is the same except it's Mg(H2O)^2+ with the other one embedded in the crystal lattice and hydrogen bonded to H2O and sulfate.

To determine the number of water molecules associated with Mg^2+ and SO4^2- in the compound MgSO4 x 7H2O, we need to analyze the structure of the compound.

The term "x" in this compound represents a hydrated crystal, which means it contains a certain number of water molecules associated with each formula unit of the compound.

In this case, we have 7H2O, which means there are seven water molecules associated with each MgSO4 formula unit.

To find the number of water molecules associated with each ion (Mg^2+ and SO4^2-) separately, we need to consider the charges of the ions and their ratios in the compound.

Let's start with Mg^2+:
Since the sulfate ion (SO4^2-) has a charge of 2-, and there is only one SO4^2- ion in the formula, the total charge contributed by SO4^2- is 2-.

The magnesium ion (Mg^2+) must balance this charge with its own charge. Since the formula unit has an overall neutral charge, there must be two Mg^2+ ions to balance out the -2 charge contributed by SO4^2-.

Therefore, there are two Mg^2+ ions present in each formula unit of MgSO4.

Next, let's determine the number of water molecules associated with Mg^2+.
Since each formula unit of MgSO4 x 7H2O contains two Mg^2+ ions and seven water molecules, we can conclude that each Mg^2+ ion is associated with seven water molecules.

Now for SO4^2-:
We have established that each formula unit contains only one SO4^2- ion.

Since there are seven water molecules associated with each formula unit, we can say that one SO4^2- ion is associated with seven water molecules as well.

In summary:
- Each Mg^2+ ion is associated with seven water molecules.
- Each SO4^2- ion is associated with seven water molecules.

It's worth noting that the water molecules are not directly bonded to the ions. They are instead associated through hydrogen bonding and form a crystalline lattice structure surrounding the ions within the compound.