Professor Klinger says that all of your ideas come from interaction with the environment rather than anything that you were born with. The professor is advocating a theoretical perspective based on a(n)___ view.

A) tabula rasa
b) contemporary
c) moral
d) ecological

I'll be glad to discuss your answer.


The answer to this question is A) tabula rasa.

To arrive at this answer, you need to have knowledge about different theoretical perspectives regarding the origin of ideas. One such perspective is the concept of tabula rasa, which means "blank slate" in Latin. It suggests that individuals are born with a blank mind, and all knowledge and ideas are acquired through interactions and experiences with the environment. This theory posits that there are no innate ideas or knowledge present at birth.

In the question, Professor Klinger is specifically mentioned as asserting that all ideas come from interaction with the environment rather than anything innate. This aligns with the idea of tabula rasa since it argues that individuals are not born with any predetermined ideas or knowledge.

Therefore, based on the information given in the question, the most appropriate answer is A) tabula rasa.