When you write a definition of something, I was taught in school that you should not use the word you are defining in the definition. Does this still apply throughout a definition essay? If so, then how?

Yes, you're right.

Here are some webpages with really good explanations and ideas for writing this type of paper:



When writing a definition in school, the general rule is to avoid using the word you are defining within the definition itself. This guideline encourages students to articulate the concept independently, without relying on the term being defined. However, in a definition essay, the approach may differ slightly.

In a definition essay, you have more freedom to explore and explain the concept comprehensively. While it is still recommended to minimize the use of the term being defined within the definition, you may incorporate it in certain situations. Here's how you can do that effectively:

1. Begin with a clear introduction: Start your essay with a brief explanation of the term you will be defining. Provide some context or background information to give your readers a starting point.

2. Identify the core characteristics: Identify the essential characteristics or attributes of the term you are defining. Break it down into its fundamental components, and then elaborate on each component without directly referencing the term itself.

3. Use synonyms and related terms: Instead of repeating the term, use synonyms or related words to express its meaning. This can help you avoid using the word being defined while conveying the concept effectively.

4. Provide examples and illustrations: Illustrative examples are one of the most powerful tools in a definition essay. Use concrete examples, anecdotes, or scenarios to aid your readers' understanding of the concept. These examples should showcase the term's meaning and how it is applied in real-life situations.

5. Offer comparisons and contrasts: Drawing comparisons with similar concepts or highlighting differences can help elucidate the meaning further. By relating the term to other related concepts, you can enhance the reader's comprehension without directly stating the word you are defining.

Remember, the primary objective of a definition essay is to provide a clear and comprehensive understanding of a concept. While minimizing the use of the word being defined is still considered good practice, you have more flexibility in a definition essay to use it strategically when necessary. Focus on using various techniques, such as examples, synonyms, comparisons, and contrasts, to provide a well-rounded explanation.