liz earns a weekly salary of $459 and $20 per hour for each overtime hour she works. this week her total pay including salary and overtime pay was $559. write an equation to represent this situation. how many hours of overtime did liz work?

559 - 459 = 20x

To write an equation to represent this situation, let's define a few variables.

Let's denote the number of overtime hours Liz worked as 'x'. Given that Liz earns $20 per hour for each overtime hour worked, her overtime pay can be expressed as 20x.

Liz's weekly salary is given as $459.

The total pay, including salary and overtime pay, is given as $559.

Now, we can create an equation to represent the situation:

459 + 20x = 559

This equation states that Liz's weekly salary of $459 plus her overtime pay of $20 per hour times the number of overtime hours she worked, equals her total pay of $559.

To find out how many hours of overtime Liz worked, we need to solve the equation for 'x', the number of overtime hours.

459 + 20x = 559

To isolate 'x', we can subtract 459 from both sides of the equation:

20x = 559 - 459

20x = 100

Finally, we can solve for 'x' by dividing both sides of the equation by 20, giving us:

x = 100 / 20

x = 5

Therefore, Liz worked 5 hours of overtime.