Is this angle acute, right, or obtuse:

Angle M is 102 degrees
Angle N is 41 degrees
Angle P is 37 degrees

What do you think?

To determine whether an angle is acute, right, or obtuse, we need to compare the measure of the angle to the measures of a right angle (90 degrees) and an obtuse angle (greater than 90 degrees).

Let's analyze each angle:

- Angle M has a measure of 102 degrees. Since 102 degrees is greater than 90 degrees, it is an obtuse angle.

- Angle N has a measure of 41 degrees. Since 41 degrees is less than 90 degrees, it is an acute angle.

- Angle P has a measure of 37 degrees. Since 37 degrees is less than 90 degrees, it is also an acute angle.

- Angle M is obtuse.
- Angle N and Angle P are acute.

To determine these angles, you need to know their measure (given in the question). This can be obtained using a protractor or by using the measurements provided in the question.