Multiply , then simplify

5 sqrt:75 - 7 sqrt:3

5sqrt75 - 7sqrt3, =

5sqrt(25*3) - 7sqrt3 =
5*5sqrt3 - 7sqrt3 =
25sqrt3 - 7sqrt3 =

To multiply and simplify the expression 5√75 - 7√3, follow these steps:

Step 1: Identify the perfect square factors of each radical term.

√75 can be simplified as √(25 * 3). In this case, 25 is a perfect square factor.

√3 cannot be simplified further as 3 does not have any perfect square factors.

Step 2: Simplify the radical terms using the perfect square factors.

√(25 * 3) simplifies to 5√3.

Step 3: Perform the multiplication.

5√3 - 7√3 = (5 - 7)√3 = -2√3

So, the simplified expression is -2√3.