2. _____is applications software designed to help users be more efficient. (Points: 5)

a.Assistance software
b.Efficiency software
c.Productivity software
d.Software suites

is it D

I think it's referred to as "productivity software."


Which type of graphics file format keeps track of each individual point in the immage? a) bitmap b) detailed image c)pointilated D) vector.....

To determine the correct answer to this question, let's analyze each option:

a. Assistance software: This does not seem like the correct answer, as assistance software typically refers to programs that provide support or aid to the user, rather than software designed to specifically increase efficiency.

b. Efficiency software: While this might sound like a plausible answer, it is too vague and lacks specificity. Efficiency software could refer to any type of software that aims to improve efficiency but does not specify its purpose.

c. Productivity software: This option seems to be the most suitable answer. Productivity software is designed to help users be more efficient by providing tools and functionality to enhance workflow, manage tasks, and improve organization.

d. Software suites: Although software suites can contain productivity software, they typically include a collection of various applications, including productivity tools, but are not necessarily solely designed to improve efficiency.

Based on this analysis, the correct answer is most likely c. Productivity software.