the 1801 concordat between Napolean and the pope resulted in all of the following except

a. Napoleon beecame head of the French chirch woth the right to appoint and dismis bishops
b. the vatican accepted the confiscation of its lands by the revolutionary authorities
c. the pope gave up his claim to Avignon

I thought it was C

Check this article.

I believe you're right.

Actually, the correct answer is B. The 1801 Concordat between Napoleon and the Pope resulted in several outcomes, including Napoleon becoming the head of the French Church with the right to appoint and dismiss bishops, and the Pope giving up his claim to Avignon. However, the Vatican did not accept the confiscation of its lands by the revolutionary authorities, so option B is the exception.

To find the correct answer, let's go through each option and determine its accuracy based on the details of the 1801 Concordat between Napoleon and the Pope.

Option A states that Napoleon became the head of the French church with the right to appoint and dismiss bishops. This is accurate because one of the major provisions of the Concordat was that Napoleon gained significant control over the French church, including the power to nominate and remove bishops. Therefore, option A is correct.

Option B suggests that the Vatican accepted the confiscation of its lands by the revolutionary authorities. This is also accurate. The French Revolution led to the confiscation of church lands, and the Concordat helped to establish a compromise between the revolutionary government and the Catholic Church under Napoleon's rule. Therefore, option B is correct.

Option C claims that the pope gave up his claim to Avignon. However, this statement is incorrect. The Concordat did not involve any discussions or agreements related to Avignon. Avignon remained a part of the Papal States until the territory was annexed by France in 1791, prior to the signing of the Concordat. Therefore, option C is the answer you were looking for.