what is the difference between a number sentence and an expression?

A neumber sentence has an equal sign, and is a sentence as long as it holds true

ex true:3+7=10
False: 13+1=15
an expession does not have an equal sign
ex: 3+4/5*3

Make a true sentence by inserting parentheses.4x9-2=28

4 x (9-2) = 28

A number sentence and an expression are both used in mathematics, but they have some key differences. Let me explain.

An expression is a mathematical phrase that contains numbers, variables, and mathematical operations (such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division), but it does not have an equal sign. Examples of expressions include:

1. 2x + 3
2. 4y - 7
3. 5z²

As you can see, expressions can have variables (such as x, y, or z) as well as constants (like 2, 3, or 7). They represent a mathematical relationship or operation, but they do not state whether the expression is true or false.

On the other hand, a number sentence is a mathematical statement that contains numbers, variables, mathematical operations, and an equal sign. It is used to show a comparison or equality between two expressions. Examples of number sentences include:

1. 2x + 3 = 7
2. 4y - 7 < 15
3. 5z² = 25

In a number sentence, the equal sign (=) indicates that both sides of the equation have the same value, while other symbols like less than (<) or greater than (>) represent inequalities.

To summarize, the main difference between a number sentence and an expression is that a number sentence contains an equal sign or inequality symbol, while an expression does not. Expressions represent a mathematical relationship or operation, while number sentences make a statement or comparison between two expressions.