Joey says that triangle XYZ is obtuse. Robin disagrees because there are more acute angles then there are obtuse angles therefore it must be acute. Is either one of them correct? Explain your reasoning.

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What do you think?

obtuse because the angle is more than 90 degrees

To determine whether Joey or Robin is correct, we need to understand the characteristics of an obtuse triangle and an acute triangle.

An obtuse triangle is a triangle with one angle greater than 90 degrees, making it the largest angle in the triangle. In contrast, an acute triangle has all three angles measuring less than 90 degrees.

To verify Joey's claim that triangle XYZ is obtuse, we need to check if at least one angle in the triangle measures greater than 90 degrees. Similarly, to support Robin's argument, we need to confirm if all three angles in the triangle are less than 90 degrees.

One way to determine the types of angles in triangle XYZ is by measuring them. Using a protractor or a measuring tool, you can measure the angles and classify them accordingly. If you find that one angle is indeed greater than 90 degrees, then Joey's claim would be correct, making the triangle obtuse.

On the other hand, if you measure all three angles and find that none of them exceeds 90 degrees, Robin's statement would be accurate, and the triangle would be acute.

It's important to note that relying on counting the number of acute and obtuse angles is not a valid method for determining the type of triangle. The size of the angles is what ultimately determines whether a triangle is classified as obtuse or acute. So, measuring the angles is the best way to determine their sizes and confirm the correct classification of triangle XYZ.