In many ways after the divisiveness and devastation of the Civil War, the United States searched for order economically, politically, geographically, socially and racially. Select one of these areas, or suggest another, and make a case for the reasons why it was the most vital area that America needed to address. Some examples include the westward expansion of the nation, the reunification of a national political system in the north and south, the influx of immigrants, conflict with Native Americans, and an increase of racial segregation. Also, incorporate and cite in APA format one of the primary sources, found in your textbook, in your response.

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In many ways after the divisiveness and devastation of the Civil War, the United States searched for order economically, politically, geographically, socially and racially. Select one of these areas, or suggest another, and make a case for the reasons why it was the most vital area that America needed to address. Some examples include the westward expansion of the nation, the reunification of a national political system in the north and south, the influx of immigrants, conflict with Native Americans, and an increase of racial segregation.

One vital area that America needed to address after the Civil War was the issue of racial segregation. This was a pressing concern due to the extensive segregation policies that had been implemented in the southern states, known as Jim Crow laws. These laws institutionalized racial segregation and discrimination, denying African Americans equal rights and opportunities in various aspects of life, such as education, employment, housing, and public facilities.

To understand the significance of addressing racial segregation, a primary source from the textbook can provide valuable insights. For example, in the book "Give Me Liberty! An American History" by Eric Foner, there is a primary source titled "Plessy v. Ferguson" (Foner, 2017, p. 599). This source pertains to the Supreme Court case that solidified the doctrine of "separate but equal," which justified segregation and had far-reaching consequences on racial equality in America.

The reason why racial segregation was a crucial area to address is that it contradicted the principles of liberty, equality, and justice upon which the United States was founded. By allowing segregation to persist, America was failing to live up to its ideals and perpetuating a system that denied a significant portion of its population basic civil rights.

The effects of racial segregation were far-reaching. African Americans were subjected to limited opportunities in education and employment, leading to economic disadvantages and social marginalization. They were also denied access to public facilities, such as transportation, parks, and theaters, based solely on their race. Segregation not only deprived African Americans of their rights but also perpetuated a system of dehumanization and inequality.

Addressing racial segregation was vital because it was a fundamental hindrance to achieving a just and equal society. By dismantling Jim Crow laws and embracing racial integration, the United States could strive towards fulfilling the promises of its founding documents and creating a more inclusive and equitable society.

In conclusion, the issue of racial segregation was the most vital area for America to address after the Civil War. This was crucial to uphold the principles of liberty and equality upon which the nation was established. By examining primary sources like "Plessy v. Ferguson" from the textbook, we gain a deeper understanding of the consequences of segregation and its impact on racial equality in America.

Foner, E. (2017). Give me liberty! An American history (5th ed., Vol. 2). W. W. Norton & Company.