pH value is higher,the more acidic the solution.

No, that isn't correct. The more acidic the solution, the lower the pH.

pH <7 = acid
pH = 7 neutral
pH >7 = basic

The pH of a solution describes its acidity or basicity. It is a measure of the concentration of hydrogen ions (H+) in the solution. pH stands for "potential of hydrogen." The pH scale ranges from 0 to 14, with 7 being neutral. A pH value below 7 indicates acidity, while a pH value above 7 indicates basicity.

To determine the pH of a solution, you need to measure the concentration of hydrogen ions. This can be done using pH indicators, pH meters, or pH test strips. pH indicators are substances that change color depending on the pH of the solution. pH meters and test strips provide a numerical pH value.

The pH value of a solution is significant because it affects various chemical and biological processes. For example, enzymes, which are essential for many biological reactions, have specific pH ranges at which they are most active. Similarly, pH can influence the solubility of certain substances and the effectiveness of disinfectants or cleaning agents.

Overall, the pH of a solution is an important property that gives insight into its acidity or basicity and helps us understand and control many chemical and biological processes.