How long is a wavelength of infrasound with a frequency of 4 Hz?


4*wavelength= speedsound

solve for wavelength.

To calculate the wavelength of infrasound with a frequency of 4 Hz, you can use the formula:

Wavelength (λ) = Speed of Sound (v) / Frequency (f)

The speed of sound varies depending on the medium through which it travels, and it is approximately 343 meters per second in air at room temperature. Therefore, we can plug in the given frequency value (4 Hz) and speed of sound value (343 m/s) into the formula:

λ = 343 m/s / 4 Hz

By performing the calculation, we find:

λ ≈ 85.75 meters

Thus, the wavelength of infrasound with a frequency of 4 Hz is approximately 85.75 meters.