14-(-5x)+ 2z-(-32)+4z-2x

14 +5x+2z+32+4z-2x= 3x+6z+46

To combine like terms, you need to first identify the terms that have the same variables raised to the same powers. In the given expression, we have terms with variables x and z.

Let's simplify the expression step by step:

Step 1: 14 - (-5x) + 2z - (-32) + 4z - 2x

Step 2: Note that the term (-5x) is subtracted, so when we remove the parentheses, the sign of the term will change. Therefore, -(-5x) becomes +5x.

Step 3: 14 + 5x + 2z - (-32) + 4z - 2x

Step 4: Similarly, -(-32) becomes +32.

Step 5: 14 + 5x + 2z + 32 + 4z - 2x

Step 6: Now, let's combine the terms with the same variables. We have 5x and -2x, so combining those gives us 5x - 2x, which equals 3x.

Step 7: Our expression becomes: 14 + 3x + 2z + 32 + 4z

Step 8: Finally, we can simplify further by adding the constants together: 14 + 32 = 46.

Step 9: After adding the constant terms, our final simplified expression is: 46 + 3x + 2z + 4z

Thus, the simplified form of the given expression is 46 + 3x + 6z.